Sunday, August 26, 2007

Almost packed...almost ready...

It is almost time for me to hit the sky and then the roads and rails of Portugal, Spain, and Morocco. I can hardly believe it has been three weeks since I left work and began preparing for my little adventure. It seems as though every day has been full and every night has been short.

While preparing for my trip I also managed to put together a showing of some of my abstract photography work and it is now on display in a local martini bar. The show consists of shots that I took in alleys and on side streets in Colorado Springs, New Orleans, and Memphis. I didn’t realize how great it would feel to actually have my photos hanging in public until now. It is nice for me because it is a place where I regularly meet with friends so it is a way for me to stay connected while I’m gone.

The photo below was taken by my good friend, former coworker, and fantastic photographer, Chris Coleman. You can see a few of my photos in the background.

To see Chris’s amazing work go here . If you want to see more of mine you can go to my "under construction" website or my flickr site

As for the trip, well as the title says, I'm almost packed and almost ready. I fly out of Denver August 28th and arrive in Lisbon August 29th. I have a ticket to return from Madrid on November 26th. My goal is to travel with only one “barely legal” carry-on bag. The clothes are not an issue as you’ll notice by the very small bundle on the right in the upper left photo. The electronics, however, are a different story. See all that other stuff, yes, it is camera gear and computer gear. All told though the entire pack has now been pared down to less than 40 lbs (18 kilos) and travels quite nicely.

That’s all I have for now. My next post will likely be from Lisbon where I’ll be wondering why I didn’t pare the pack down to less than 30 lbs.


cshutt said...

Which martini bar? I'd like to go & see the finished product.

JAnthony said...

Scott, I'm so excited for you and look forward to reading some of your adventures and "misadventures" I am confident this will be a life changing venture. Good luck and stay safe.